Ways of Higher Intelligence
–March 4-7, 1999–
at the Baltimore Holistic Health Center (BHHC)
Rilke, ‘Duino Elegies’
Celebration of the 90th Birthday of Dr. Edith Wallace is taking place 7-9 pm on March 3rd at BHHC and all participants are welcome.
In this seminar we will explore Ways of Higher Intelligence through:
Daily Talks
Panel Discussions
Alternative Workshops and Small Groups
Experiential Spaces
Evening Performances
The daily program will run from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm each day and the schedule is as follows:
Day One Anthony Blake, Jerry Toporovsky, Murat Yagan
Performance: Rumi and Dance with Coleman Banks & Zuleika
Day Two Warren Kenton, Dr Edith Wallace, Anthony West
Performance: Gurdjieff Movements
Day Three Phyllis Laursen, Joseph Rael, Stanley Crouch
Performance: Text and Experience
Day Four Anthony Blake & Panel
What is ” higher intelligence?” There are some who claim to know what it is, and to communicate with it, in private prayer or meditation, or in church, synagogue, mosque, temple or ritual circle. Others put their faith in science and what technology may produce in times to come. Yet others look to the stars, for messages from superior beings who have evolved beyond us. And there are those who search in the recesses of the mind or brain for keys to understanding. All these and many others express the diversity of the human soul in its search for transformation and fulfillment, as well as the diversity of concerned men and women seeking help in overcoming the troubles of our times.
Our seminar-dialogue will give expression to this human diversity and not be satisfied with easy answers. Intelligence seeks and even needs what is beyond itself. Can we come to understand how our present intelligence can form a link, or enter into a whole, with a higher form whether we are religious or not, whether we are concerned with the inner world or the outer? The presenters drawn together for this event will offer you diverse views and various findings based on their own discoveries.
The “ways” of higher intelligence may be as varied as the peoples of the Earth. A higher intelligence will be faced with further unknowns, perhaps totally outside our grasp. There may be a great ‘chain of being’ of which we are only a tiny part. Or everything, however weak, obscured or hidden may reside inside us. The ‘ways’ of higher intelligence are, perhaps, the ways decreed from ‘on high’; or simply, the ways so far discovered of listening and acting according to a greater vision than that available through a human life.
What might there be: inside our bodies, between us in groups, residing in the atmosphere of the planet, streaming down on us through the solar system, dancing in the light of stars, or echoing in great spans of time? Angels? Super-computers? Aliens? Molecules? God’s thoughts? And what can teach us what we need to know, but do not yet know that we need to know?
In preparation for this event the DuVersity has prepared a statement of ’12 Hypotheses of Higher Intelligence’, copies of which are available on request, or upon registration for the seminar.