All of Everything: The Process of Understanding
The process of understanding can become a continuous action of unceasing discovery in the present moment. This intensive four day seminar will hopefully take us to the edge of what is possible. We will explore the work of J.G. Bennett and his colleagues on ‘systematics’ and the drama of the universe. We will take this exploration into ‘dia-logue’ as a way of co-creation in the moment, when minds can coalesce, for a time, in a new and emergent vision.
We are human beings with limited minds and very limited life-spans. We need each other to contribute what we ourselves cannot. We can make a start in realizing the Whole, just as long as we neither claim it under an ideological banner nor give up the struggle for its truth in defeatism. There is a tremendous resource available for everyone who is willing to ‘trust the process’. The means of the process are structural thinking and dialogue. Structural thinking is to think consciously in patterns that we can see and investigate, instead of being carried along with them.
The guest presenters will explore the theme of integrative understanding from a particular point of view and join us in the exploration of applications, meanings and implications in: management, education, art, communication, gender issues, new technologies, spirituality, and psychotherapy. Most of all we want to make this a living thread of meaning that will make a difference in everything we do in the future. John will focus on world cultures; Dr. Wallace on the future of psychology; Phyliss on harmony through conflict; and William on ‘identity-transparency’.