

“Learning from the Sophiagenic Life of Jesus and Mary”

Alton L. Collins Retreat Centre
Eagle Creek
Portland, Oregon

26th – 30th 1999

(early registration):
Single Occupancy: $310/person
Double Occupancy: $275/person
Add $25.00/person after July 15

Call Terry or Chris
at (503) 771-1372
Email Chris 
Email Terry 
Email John Kirby

‘Sophiagenics’ – the ‘getting of wisdom’ – was developed by Edward
Matchett who died a few months ago. A dear friend, his work lives on in
a handful of people, amongst whom is John Kirby. We are glad to
publicise John’s seminar on the sophiagenic life of Jesus and Mary and
wish it every success.

The intimacy with the Godhead that Jesus and Mary demonstrated 
in their lives is offered to us, too.

Through the application of the Sophiagenic discipline the access to unlimited
wisdom and love that Jesus and Mary developed in their lives 
is also available to us all.

The seminar will take time to look at some of the events in the earthly life
of Jesus and Mary and see how they apply to us. Truly, what is the
Annunciation for you and me (“What does it matter to me if Gabriel salutes the
Virgin if he does not bring me the same news” Angelus Silesius), what does the
Marriage Feast of Cana mean for us now (“Do whatever he tells you”), and the
way Jesus taught his disciples and His mother, the Passion and Resurrection
and Descent of the Holy Spirit, how can these be full and real events in our
lives right now?

We will try to enter into these realities individually and together through
looking at the episodes recounted in the New Testament, as well as through
prayer, discussion , silence, music, poetry, art, work (you are asked to bring
a project with you) and the application of the Sophiagenic discipline.

“Do you seriously imagine that I possessed grace without effort? Know that I
obtained no grace from God without immense effort, constant prayer, passionate
Mary to St. Elizabeth of Hungary

These different interactions will hopefully bring with them the natural joy
that such an undertaking both attracts and creates.

What is Sophiagenics?
“Sophiagenics is the essential discipline for producing intelligent
change and progress, necessary new patterns and new orders of things and
ideas; not a formula for perpetuating proven patterns and orders. It is
not merely the causal agent of external change and progress, but also of
important radical internal developments, up to full maturity, and being truly wise.

Self reliance is exchanged in each new moment of Sophiagenic
application for a total reliance on Creation itself: the one source
that has structured and empowered all the organisms of nature since the
‘big bang.’ The continued practice of Sophiagenics converts logic-bred
thinking into an exact instinct and illumination, in which ‘media’ (the
perpetual emanations and creative action of the one source of Creation)
and matter (existing creation) combine naturally and organically to make
and extend meaning in and for each new moment.”

Edward Matchett, MSc, CEng FRSA